Sunday, June 10, 2007

global warming

Yesterday, i had a visit from my aunt. My mothers sister. I know very well that she is a "conservative" as is her boyfriend of 30 years. but she made a comment to me that just blew me away. she said, you are not one of those people who believe in global warming? i mean, come on, only 90% of the scientists in the world believe that there is global warming. i am still freaked about this comment and chose not to discuss this any further with her, because as the saying goes you do not discuss politics or religion with your family.

1 comment:

sui said...

my dear!!
congrats on the new blog. i didn't even know!
you know, it freaked me out about a week ago when i heard ON TV (the news) that a large number of people still question global warming!!!
what's wrong with people?

you know i come from a tropical climate and i noticed a CHANGE IN CLIMATE (not a change in weather) in NY some years ago, when it started raining just like in the tropicals (e.g., sun & rain together). i particularly remember that because one of the things i noticed when i first came to NY was how different the rain was. well, now it's pretty much the same.

we're surrounded by fools.